
Sat 23 Nov 2024 16:00 — 23:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

It's almost time for the annual Head of the Yarra regatta, and to celebrate our crews on the day, regardless of the outcome, MRC is opening the bar and firing up the bbq! The event is open to all members, family and friends.

To ensure the afternoon runs seamlessly, we would be grateful for volunteers to help run the bar and man the bbq. If this is something you're able to assist with, please indicate as such, and further information will be circulated. 

The link to the HOTY live stream and results are provided for those that aren't able to make it to Hawthorn to cheer on our crews as they cross the finish line.

We look forward to seeing you there, and celebrating the end of the 2024 head season!!

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